Brief report on the workshop Brown Eyes Blue Eyes on October 29, 1996, with members of the City Coucil Amsterdam and civil servants.
A total of 24 persons participated in the workshop, 11 council members, 9 civil servants and 4 police officers. After the workshop, participants were asked to fill out evaluation forms. The great majority of the participants experienced the workshop as valuable and very positive:
At the question 'Do you think that the Brown Eyes Blue Eyes method is an effective tool to fight prejudice and discrimination?' participants answered:
Four participants left the workshop within the first two hours (3 council members, 1 police officer) and therefore didn't fill out an evaluation form.
Quotes by participants (directly after the workshop):
"increases insight", "very memorable and valuable method" "Outstanding" "The title of the workshop should also reflect that it is about power and the mechanisms of power" "Everybody should go through this. Everybody!" "A great learning experience" "I'm surprised that the workshop really works, within a very short time people started to live down to our expectations!"
Quotes by participants (a few weeks after the workshop):
"White people who participated in it treat me different now" "More politicians and civil servants should go through this exercise" "At first I was very sceptical about it. Now I want to know when mrs. Elliott is coming back to Holland and if she would teach me to do the exercise.". "It was very impressive how our group of well-educated people was completely wrapped up in it."
Quote by one of the 'dropouts':
"With hindsight i must say that I kick myself for walking out and missing this experience."