
Ro & SuZ Award 2024


Awarded to Rafal Pankowski & Anna Tatar, Never Again Association (NAA)

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Dr. A. Tatar is presented the Magenta Award 2024

Photographs and Video of the Award 2024 and Conference

[ Jury report ] Jonathan Vick, member of the jury:
[ Jury report ] Why the choice of Rafal Pankowski & Anna Tatar, Never Again Association / Stowarzyszenie Nigdy Więcej?

The Never Again Association (Stowarzyszenie Nigdy Więcej) is a vital regional organization in Poland that has developed a comprehensive and integrated approach to combating racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism. Since its founding in 1996, the organization has been a steadfast advocate for tolerance, human rights, and social cohesion in Poland and the broader Central and Eastern European region. Over the years, it has become a well-respected voice in the fight against all forms of discrimination, leading impactful initiatives in education, advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.

Wide-reaching programs

Focused primarily on Poland, Never Again has implemented wide-reaching programs aimed at addressing discrimination in various spheres of public life. Their pioneering Racism-Delete campaign, for instance, has been instrumental in removing antisemitic and racist content from the internet, reflecting the organization’s commitment to “Bringing the Online In Line with Human Rights.” This initiative was particularly significant as it engaged young people, activists, and concerned citizens in reporting online hate speech, making them active participants in creating safer digital spaces.

Beyond the digital realm

Beyond the digital realm, Never Again is known for its ability to connect with diverse social groups and communities. It has built strong partnerships with football clubs, cultural institutions, and educational organizations to combat extremism and racism in youth culture, particularly in sports and music. These initiatives have helped foster inclusive environments and provided platforms to promote anti-racism messages, making the organization highly relevant in popular culture and among younger generations.

A cornerstone of Never Again’s work is its collaboration with international and regional human rights organizations. For example, the association’s engagement with The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity to support Ukrainian refugees during the ongoing crisis in Eastern Europe demonstrates their dedication to offering practical and moral assistance in times of humanitarian need. The association’s 2022 report, Let’s Maintain Solidarity with Refugees, highlights not only the outpouring of solidarity with Ukrainian refugees but also exposes attempts by far-right groups to incite hatred and xenophobia, underscoring the ongoing challenges in maintaining social cohesion in Poland.

Rafal and Anna, NAA
Proactive stance in countering disinformation

In recent years, the Never Again Association has faced growing challenges as xenophobia and far-right extremism have surged, partly fueled by disinformation campaigns and antisemitic conspiracy theories, particularly in the context of the Ukrainian refugee crisis. The association has taken a proactive stance in countering these narratives, producing reports, organizing educational campaigns, and cooperating with governmental and non-governmental bodies alike to address these threats. In this context, their work has been crucial in mitigating the divisive effects of online hate speech, conspiracy theories, and nationalism.

Their work resonates throughout Europe

What makes Never Again particularly worthy of the Ro & SuZ Magenta Award 2024 is its sustained commitment to tackling antisemitism and other forms of hatred. Whether through monitoring far-right propaganda or pushing for progressive policies, their work has a broad, inclusive focus, helping to ensure that Poland remains a society where diversity is valued and respected. Their role in advocating for refugees, addressing racial violence, and fighting for social justice on both regional and national levels exemplifies the very essence of human rights work.

Their collaboration with international organizations, their tireless efforts in both online and offline spaces, and their dedication to preserving the memory of historical injustices while fighting contemporary challenges have made the Never Again Association a leader in the region. Their work not only impacts Poland but also resonates throughout Europe, contributing to global efforts to bring justice, equality, and human dignity to the forefront of the online and offline worlds.


For these reasons, we are of the contention that the Never Again Association is an exemplary candidate for the Ro & SuZ Magenta Award 2024, alongside Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA). Their deep-rooted commitment to fostering solidarity, combating hate speech, and addressing the broader challenges of racism and discrimination makes them a truly deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

[ Top of page ] [ Jury report ] [ Jolie's speech ] [ Speech by Dr. Panayote Dimitras ] [ Thank you ]


Suzette said...

Words on behalf of the Jury, by Jolie Martin-van der Klis

Each year at the INACH Conference, we honour two of the founders of INACH, Ronald Eissens and Suzette Bronkhorst, by giving an award named after them.

Having lost our founders, our friends, does not make Magenta unique. More of you have lost dear collegues and friends, Czech Helsinki Committee lost chairman Václav Vlk this year, Never Again Association lost Marcin Kornak ten years ago. And there'll be names we do not know.

For those who are not here today, I lit this candle.

The main goal in our friends' lives was creating a safer, more inclusive online environment. How much that meant to Suzette, I was able to witness in the last weeks of her life.

I spent a heartbreaking night watching over her, 8 days before she died. When Suzette was not talking about the Award — that she wanted to present in Ronalds name — but was trying to rest instead, she got into a really bad shape.

Thinking and talking about the Award and about possible candidates, gave her power to live. Perhaps because fighting discrimination and hatespeech had been Suzette's life's goal. "These young boys of FOA do such a great job" (Sorry ;) she was in her sixties, she was talking about you both as "young boys." ;-)) Jean Hubert Bondo also, "Young guy" (according to Suzette.) "Great work, hope for our future." "What do you think Jolie?" "I don't know, I haven't heard of these organizations, to be honoust.." "Yes, they are both NEW! Started last year! Doing a great job already!" "So, you know them Suzette, it is up to you to decide..."

And when she stopped talking like that, it looked as if she stopped breathing. I grabbed my phone to dial emergency several times. And then she started talking again.

It still gives me shivers when I remember this night. Enfin.

That night, Suzette mentioned 2 candidates specifically: the FOA and Africa Sans Haine, as her top favorite candidates. She also mentioned Never Again — but hey, friends from day 1: that's too easy, or might be considered "Vriendjespolitiek." Favoritism. We can't do that, even though Never Again or Valentín in Spain would qualify.

Today is, almost to the day, 3 years after that conversation on september 30, 2021, with Suzette. Today I am happy, from the bottom of my heart, to present this award to the FOA and Never Again. Needless to say: I fully agree with Suzette. Your FOA-team walks the extra mile. In extremely gloomy times, you know how to present a spark of hope. Not only do you fight the dark forces of antisemitism, but you also offer the volunteers strategies how to cope with exposure to online hate... A marvellous job! The same can I say about Never Again, with your decades-long history of fighting hate-speech and extremism.

For the details of the Jury report I pass the floor to the Award winner of 2023, Dr. Panayote Dimitras. Who is not able to be here in person, as a result of the still ongoing harassment campaign against him and the Greek Helsinki Monitor.


by Dr. Panayote Dimitras previous recipient of the Ro & Suz Magenta Award, at the International INACH Conference, September 27, 2024

Today, we celebrate two organizations which, like Ronald and Suzette, do not shy away from difficult tasks, not even when there is social headwind.

Our second laureate of 2024 is Nigdy Więcej — which in Polish means "Never Again." This organization has a long history of fighting discrimination and hate. It was founded in 1996 as an anti-Nazi and anti-racism committee. There was a Never Again Magazine, the Music against Racism Festival, and The Brown Book of Shame with data on racist and xenophobic violence and hate speech, and many other publications and initiatives.

"Never Again Association" has had a lot of impact, including the convictions of several Neo-Nazis. They also managed to significantly reduce online sales of Nazi products: more than 31,000 items were removed from shops, certain platforms were closed completely. This work has continued to this day.

In Poland, where the wounds of hate and intolerance run deep, Never Again stands as a powerful voice against extremism, racism, and xenophobia. Their work spans education, activism, and research. They have become a trusted watchdog for monitoring hate crimes and extremist activity. Even in times when the political climate has been challenging, Never Again has continued to investigate and report tirelessly, undeterred by the platforms’ reluctance to remove posts with serious forms of hate speech online, as well as fake news, Russian propaganda and physical threats: their message is that this ineffectiveness of social media platforms affects us all worldwide, as the spreading of harmful content is not confined to borders.

In today’s climate of disinformation and hatred, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the problem. FOA and Never Again Association remind us that there is always a way to fight back.

In closing, I would like to congratulate Nigdy Więcej. Your work embodies the essence of Ronald and Suzette's legacy.


Thank you

Speech by Dr. Anna Tatar

Dear Friends,

I am honoured to receive this award as the representative of the “NEVER AGAIN” Association and I would like to express my great gratitude.

For almost 30 years, the “NEVER AGAIN” Association has been campaigning against racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights across the world. We have observed how over years, with the spread of the Internet, social communication changed, and with it, our perception of the world. The internet which had been invented to connect people from the most remote places and cultures, turned out to also be an unusually effective tool of ideological propaganda, shaping hostile attitudes towards minorities and even contributing to genocide. The turning point in both global as well as local communication was the emergence of social media. It is these media that took over the role of the main source of information for millions of people worldwide. But without proper verification, it often turns out to carry a harmful message, bearing disinformation, conspiracy theory or manipulation. From many years’ experience of the “NEVER AGAIN” Association it is clear that the problem of online hate speech is on the rise while tech companies clearly do not feel the need to stand up to the global responsibility that they bear. As part of the Safenet project, coordinated by the INACH network, as well as other initiatives, we document, and report hate speech, but the reaction of the social media platforms remains insufficient.

We are aware of the consequences of hate speech online, how quickly it may contribute to a change of social moods and how easy it is to direct it against people who differ in skin colour, ethnic background, language or religion. Through our activities as the “NEVER AGAIN” Association, we strive to present a totally different, because positive, vision of the world: to see diversity as value, not as danger, and to have ethical responsibility towards another human being. Can social media help in the promotion of peace, respect, and human rights? I believe that this may happen. This message is inscribed into the Ronald Eissens and Suzette Bronkhorst Award, which we have received today. Thank you.

Anna Tatar
“NEVER AGAIN” Association

Rafal and Anna, NAA

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Suzette en Ronald
This website...

...is dedicated to Suzette Bronkhorst and Ronald Eissens, and their relentless, uncompromising battle against racism, discrimination, fascism, extremism and cyber hate. We will preserve their legacy and continue to give our best for a better world, a world of peace, hope and respect for all.

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