History Magenta Foundation
- Full archive
- You will find a searchable and full Magenta archive
on the website of the City Archive of Amsterdam (Stadsarchief Gemeente Amsterdam)
- 1992
- The ‘Never Again’ (Nooit Meer) manifestation
- The Birth of Magenta. Mellouki Cadat-Lampe interviews Suzette Bronkhorst, 17 minutes, 13 August 2021:
- 1993
- The ‘Groot Magenta debat’ (Great Magenta Debate)
- 1994
- The ‘Geef racisme geen stem tram’ (Don't give Racism a Vote/Voice Tramway)
- Manifestation at installation of new City Council against installation of racist councillors
- The ‘Geef racisme geen stem trein’ (Don’t Give Racism a Vote/Voice Train)
- 1995
- The ‘Damdebat’ (Dam debate)
- Sarajevo Calling
- The ‘Kerwin-Herdenking’ (Kerwin Commemoration)
- The ‘Geef racisme geen stem’ (Don't Give Racism a Vote/Voice) campagne
- The ‘Groot Damdebat’ (Great Dam Debate)
- Magenta and Nederland Bekent Kleur filed a complaint against 2 users of "dds.multicult' for online racism
- 1996
- The ‘Anti Racisme Web’ NL (Antiracism Web Netherlands)
- The ‘Oog in Oog’ (Eye to Eye) workshop
- The ‘Door Elkaar, Voor Elkaar’ ( By Each Other, For Each Other, the boat project)
- 1997
- The ‘Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet’ (Complaints Bureau for Discrimination on the Internet). Indicate clearly in the introduction:
- Magenta Foundation is the first Dutch Antiracism organization on the Internet
- Complain Against the Digitale City for Racism on Internet. First worldwide
- 1998
- The ‘Geef racism geen stem’ (Don't Give Racism a Voice Tramway)
- 1999
- Foundation of the Internet Centre Antiracism Europe (ICARE)
- 2000
- Protest bus trip to Vienna against FPÖ and ÖVP coalition
- ICARE Interconference, an interactive electronic shadow conference of the Regional Preparatory Conference for the World Conference Against Racism.
- 2001
- ICARE activities around the preparation of the World Conference Against Racism
- ICARE life report from the World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa.
- 2002
- 10th anniversary with a party and debate at Felix Meritis in Amsterdam
- Founding of INACH, the International Network Against Cyber Hate.
- 2003
- The Magenta website got a redesign in 2003. This version was saved. The 2003-version in Dutch is online again
- 2009
- The Magenta website got a beautiful redesign by La rotonde du monde in 2009. This version can be visited at web.archive.org: Magenta 2009
- This list...
- ...is by far not complete, but you will find the full Magenta archive
on the website of the City Archive of Amsterdam (Stadsarchief Gemeente Amsterdam)
- Photos are clickable