
Ro & SuZ Award 2024


Awarded to Tomer Aldubi & Nir Kaplan, Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA)

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Nir Kaplan is presented the Magenta Award 2024

Photographs and Video of the Award 2024 and Conference

[ Jury report ] Jonathan Vick, member of the jury:
[ Jury Report ] Why the choice of Tomer Aldubi & Nir Kaplan, founders of Fighting Online Antisemitism?

We are honoured to present the Ronald and Suzette Magenta Award 2024 to the NGO "Fighting Online Antisemitism" (FOA). Since its founding in February 2020, FOA has shown steadfast dedication to combating the alarming rise of antisemitic content online, particularly during critical moments such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of significant geopolitical events.

Founded just before the COVID-19 pandemic, FOA found itself at the frontline of a battle that intensified as antisemitic conspiracy theories linked Jews to the virus. FOA’s mission to eradicate antisemitism in the digital sphere is not only timely but necessary, as hate speech, Holocaust denial, and threats of violence increasingly plague social media platforms. This small but impactful organization has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to adapt, grow, and lead the charge against online antisemitism at a time when such work is urgently needed.

A wide-ranging strategy to combat online hate

FOA's approach is multidimensional, combining the reporting of harmful content, educational outreach, and partnerships with tech companies. The organization's adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism ensures that their efforts align with internationally recognized standards, enabling FOA to systematically report and request the removal of antisemitic content. Their global initiative, REACH (Remove and Eradicate Antisemitism & Cyber Hate), is a flagship program that emphasises FOA's forward-thinking stance. REACH not only seeks to take out antisemitic content but also promotes cross-cultural partnerships between Jewish communities and other religious or social groups. This effort to encourage diversity and tolerance reflects FOA’s broad vision for a safer, more inclusive online environment.

Tomer and Nir, FOA

Since its founding, FOA has established itself as a “Trusted Flagger” with major platforms like Twitter/X, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, building critical alliances with companies such as Telegram, Spotify, and LinkedIn. Through these collaborations, FOA has been able to efficiently report over 34,000 instances of antisemitic content, resulting in the removal of 26% of harmful posts, (November 2023.) This success is not only a testament to FOA's hard work and commitment but also to its ability to navigate the complexities of online platforms, that are becoming more and more slow to react to hate speech.

Innovation in the face of hate

A key reason FOA stands out is its innovative approach to addressing antisemitism. In particular, the development of an AI-based system by FOA volunteer Bar Perez has significantly enhanced the organization's capacity to identify and remove antisemitic content. This AI tool analyzes and categorizes posts — to be reviewed by the human eye — making the process of flagging and reporting more efficient. The potential for this technology to benefit other human rights organizations cannot be overstated; it offers a glimpse into the future of combating online hate more effectively. FOA’s use of AI underscores its commitment to turning technology to good use in the fight for human rights, hopefully setting a new standard for NGOs worldwide.

A response to crisis

Recent years have seen a severe surge in online antisemitism, intensified by policy changes on platforms like Twitter/X and the massacre of October 7. In response to this escalating crisis, FOA has doubled down on its efforts, expanding its volunteer base to over 3,000 individuals by November 2023. This rapid growth in capacity allowed FOA to respond more effectively to the 300% increase in antisemitic content, showing the organization's resilience and preparedness. FOA’s ability to bring together a large volunteer force in such a short time is indicative of their dedication to protecting Jewish communities worldwide.

Beyond only and purely removing harmful content, FOA’s educational outreach has become more vital than ever. With a varied range of workshops and training sessions offered in multiple languages, FOA seeks not only to counter hate but to educate the public on the dangers of cyberhate. Their programs, designed for audiences ranging from teens to senior citizens, emphasize the importance of tolerance and understanding, aiming to prevent online hate from coming up in the first place.

A legacy of going the extra mile

FOA's dedication goes beyond the mechanics of reporting antisemitism. It has consistently shown a deep commitment to protecting individuals and encouraging, fostering dialogue. The NGO’s team, described by Suzette Bronkhorst already in 2021, as “young, positive people achieving big things,” has demonstrated an ability to go the extra mile in evaluating threats, providing timely interventions, and ensuring that hate speech does not escalate into real-world violence. The personal dedication of FOA’s volunteers, combined with their conscientious approach to combating hate speech, makes their work vitally important.
[ See also: Motivation for the nomination of FOA, January 30, 2024 ]


In a world where antisemitic incidents are reaching unequalled levels in modern days, FOA's work has never been more necessary. Their dedication to combating online hate, their innovative use of technology, and their steadfast commitment to human rights make them deserving recipients of the Ronald and Suzette Magenta Award 2024. As we face an alarming increase in antisemitism, both online and offline, FOA serves as a shining light, a beacon of hope, tirelessly working to ensure that the internet remains a space of tolerance and respect.

[ Top of page ] [ Jury report ] [ Jolie's speech ] [ Speech by Dr. Panayote Dimitras ] [ Thank you ]


Suzette said...

Words on behalf of the Jury, by Jolie Martin-van der Klis

Each year at the INACH Conference, we honour two of the founders of INACH, Ronald Eissens and Suzette Bronkhorst, by giving an award named after them.

Having lost our founders, our friends, does not make Magenta unique. More of you have lost dear collegues and friends, Czech Helsinki Committee lost chairman Václav Vlk this year, Never Again Association lost Marcin Kornak ten years ago. And there'll be names we do not know.

For those who are not here today, I lit this candle.

The main goal in our friends' lives was creating a safer, more inclusive online environment. How much that meant to Suzette, I was able to witness in the last weeks of her life.

I spent a heartbreaking night watching over her, 8 days before she died. When Suzette was not talking about the Award — that she wanted to present in Ronalds name — but was trying to rest instead, she got into a really bad shape.

Thinking and talking about the Award and about possible candidates, gave her power to live. Perhaps because fighting discrimination and hatespeech had been Suzette's life's goal. "These young boys of FOA do such a great job" (Sorry ;) she was in her sixties, she was talking about you both as "young boys." ;-)) Jean Hubert Bondo also, "Young guy" (according to Suzette.) "Great work, hope for our future." "What do you think Jolie?" "I don't know, I haven't heard of these organizations, to be honoust.." "Yes, they are both NEW! Started last year! Doing a great job already!" "So, you know them Suzette, it is up to you to decide..."

And when she stopped talking like that, it looked as if she stopped breathing. I grabbed my phone to dial emergency several times. And then she started talking again.

It still gives me shivers when I remember this night. Enfin.

That night, Suzette mentioned 2 candidates specifically: the FOA and Africa Sans Haine, as her top favorite candidates. She also mentioned Never Again — but hey, friends from day 1: that's too easy, or might be considered "Vriendjespolitiek." Favoritism. We can't do that, even though Never Again or Valentín in Spain would qualify.

Today is, almost to the day, 3 years after that conversation on september 30, 2021, with Suzette. Today I am happy, from the bottom of my heart, to present this award to the FOA and Never Again. Needless to say: I fully agree with Suzette. Your FOA-team walks the extra mile. In extremely gloomy times, you know how to present a spark of hope. Not only do you fight the dark forces of antisemitism, but you also offer the volunteers strategies how to cope with exposure to online hate... A marvellous job! The same can I say about Never Again, with your decades-long history of fighting hate-speech and extremism.

For the details of the Jury report I pass the floor to the Award winner of 2023, Dr. Panayote Dimitras. Who is not able to be here in person, as a result of the still ongoing harassment campaign against him and the Greek Helsinki Monitor.


by Dr. Panayote Dimitras previous recipient of the Ro & Suz Magenta Award, at the International INACH Conference, September 27, 2024

Today, we celebrate two organizations which, like Ronald and Suzette, do not shy away from difficult tasks, not even when there is social headwind.

First, let’s talk about FOA — Fighting Online Antisemitism. It was founded as recently as February 2020 with an initially small volunteer group to report and request removal of antisemitic content in numerous online platforms. It is mind-blowing to realize that today this group has more than 3,000 volunteers who have reported more than 60,000 social media posts, with a more than a quarter of them removed by the platforms.

FOA has been a pioneering force in fighting online antisemitism. Soon after they were founded, antisemitism surged globally, when racists and conspiracy theorists fraudulently tried to link Jews to the COVID-19-virus.

A few years later, since the atrocities on 7 October 2023, antisemitism has been spreading like wildfire, both on line and in everyday life. There is celebration of violence against Jews, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, hate-mongering, inciting content, as well as Jewish communities who are facing a threat level unprecedented in modern history.

FOA fights online antisemitism worldwide, through volunteer training, reporting and monitoring antisemitic content, developing AI-tools, raising awareness and promoting diversity and tolerance, by educational workshops and presentations, by informing authorities when messages contain real life threats. This approach reflects the vision that Ronald and Suzette had during their work to make the internet a safer space.

I would like to congratulate FOA. Your work embodies the essence of Ronald and Suzette's legacy.


Thank you

Speech by Adv. Nir Kaplan

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is my great honor to address you today. My name is Nir Kaplan, and I serve as a board member of the Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA) NGO. It is my pleasure to stand before you today on behalf of FOA's board, our dedicated staff, and our founder and executive director, Tomer Aldubi:

We are deeply grateful to the Ro & Suz Magenta Award’s Board for its profound acknowledgment of the significance of combating antisemitism. Receiving this prize today, almost one year after the events of October 7th and at a time when online Jewish hate has increased by more than 300% in just one year, is deeply meaningful and inspiring for all of FOA's volunteers worldwide.

INACH has consistently been one of the most important professional networks for FOA since our establishment in 2020. Our relationship with INACH has been instrumental in helping FOA expand its educational programs to Europe. We are particularly proud that, for the first time this year, FOA is participating in the Monitoring Exercises operated by INACH.

The networking opportunities provided by INACH, along with its dozens of prestigious NGO members across the globe, have significantly supported the critical fight against antisemitism on social media and, more broadly, against online hate speech.

At FOA, we often say that our vision is to protect Jewish lives by eradicating online antisemitism. However, we aim to achieve this by connecting with non-Jews and other minorities. Since FOA's inception, we have understood that fighting antisemitism helps to eradicate hate speech in general, thus creating a safer internet for all.

I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you for collaborating and working with FOA to make the internet safer for us all and for future generations. Your support and recognition inspire us to continue our mission with renewed vigor and determination.

Thank you.

Tomer and Nir, FOA

[ Top of page ] [ Jury report ] [ Jolie's speech ] [ Speech by Dr. Panayote Dimitras ] [ Thank you ] [ To the Photographs the Award 2024 and Conference ] [ Video of Ro & SuZ Award 2024] [ To the main page of the Ro and SuZ Award ]


Suzette en Ronald
This website...

...is dedicated to Suzette Bronkhorst and Ronald Eissens, and their relentless, uncompromising battle against racism, discrimination, fascism, extremism and cyber hate. We will preserve their legacy and continue to give our best for a better world, a world of peace, hope and respect for all.

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